Tuesday, December 22, 2009

P.I. Barrington's 10(+) Quick Questions with Dave

Alright Already! I know I've driven you all absolutely mad with my incessant promos for the book, but that's just too bad my little ones! You're going to have to suck it up and deal with yet another one!
Actually, before I begin, I will create a new website after the first of the year so be on the lookout for that. It should be bigger in scope and deal with much more than just writing. More on that development later!
In any case, here's yet another interview with the caveat that since my ADD was acting up at this time, of course I had to answer ALL the questions!

P.I. Barrington's
10(+) Quick Questions with Dave

1) How did you first become interested in writing?

It wasn't something I wanted to do. In fact I pretty much ran the other way. I wanted to work in music, in the entertainment industry and put all of my drive into that. I did work in the industry, in radio and record labels and the epitome of my entertainment career was meeting Paul and Linda McCartney and having a little private chat with them. Once I left the industry my family kept nagging to write something, anything. I still refused, but about three or four years ago, picked it up again just to see if I still had it.

2) How long have you been actively writing?

I was a newspaper reporter a million years ago so journalism is my actual background—didn't really like the deadlines though. Of course now I've had about twenty deadlines in a month, lol! Fiction, as I said, actively about three years.

3) Do you currently write as a profession?

Yes. I'm extremely lucky that I am able to concentrate on it full time. I consider myself a fiction writer first.

4) If so, what titles have you put out and where can we find them?

Crucifying Angel, Book 1 of the Future Imperfect series is out now; in fact it was released November 1, 2009. Miraculous Deception, Book Two is underway. You can find Crucifying Angel at Amazon.com and of course through my publisher, DesertBreezePublishing.com. There's also a free downloadable cook book compiled from our roster of authors and their novels. My novel and all others at DBP are in e-book format at this time.

5) Who is your inspiration?

My religion, my family. My family supports basically anything I try.

6) Whose writing style does your work most resemble?

I think maybe Stephen King. When I was a kid, I tried different styles but nothing really clicked to the point I was both comfortable and prolific. When I first picked up Carrie in the 1970's I just got it. I understood the style immediately.

7) Do you write on a schedule?

Not really. I try to get some in during the morning when everybody else is asleep or at work. I usually hit my writing stride between 4 and 10 pm.

8) Do you write in one particular place?

Yes, I have a brand new desk in the corner of my living room!9) Do you write from home?
Yes, almost always, unless I'm making notes for plots, dialogue, etc.

10) Do you prefer to work in a quiet environment?

I prefer white noise in the background. Generally, the TV is on in the background. But I'm ADD so I get into deep focus on whatever I'm doing. My family will ask me questions, or make a comment and I just look up at them blindly, not seeing them or comprehending anything they say, lol!

11) Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what type of music do you listen to and why?

No. When I listen to music, I listen to music. I concentrate on that. Lots of people do listen to it while writing but it distracts me unfortunately. As I said, the television is on in the background as white noise for me.

12) Are you an avid reader?

I used to be. I was voracious and I never read in only one genre'. That limits your learning. I've read everything from Shakespeare to Tom Clancy to MAD Magazine (I've said this before but MAD is still my favorite.) I don't read anymore really, I've hit my style and don't want to absorb anything else that might influence it. It sounds snobby but I don't mean it that way. And I really don't have time to devote to actually reading an entire book.

13) Who are your favorite Authors?

There are so many. Colleen McCullough of course, James Michener, oldies like Taylor Caldwell and Mika Waltari, Stephen King—yes and no—I love his style but hate his subject matter—too depressing in the long run. As far as sci-fi and fantasy, Mary Stewart, Evangeline Walton's Mabinogyon series, Tolkien goes without saying. While I don't write in the genre' I adore historical NON-romance/NON-fantasy/sci-fi fiction. I'm a secret ancient history buff.

14) What is your goal in writing?

I want my readers to love my books, just as I've loved my favorite authors. I want them to be at least entertained if not moved a bit. There are books that I remember maybe one line or paragraph or chapter but it stays with me forever. I'd be honored if only one reader remembers a line from one of my books.

15) Would you rather write a book that sells millions of copies, but have it be "Celebrity Fluff" - or write an award winning novel that no one reads? And why does it matter?

You know, I often offend people with this answer but I've worked with some real biggies in the entertainment industry and I know for a fact that commercial success DOES NOT always equal bad work. Sting sells millions upon millions of CDs and yet his work as a musician is legitimate. I don't think anyone has ever accused him of being a sell-out or a bad musician.
Tom Clancy is a great writer as is McCullough and they've sold millions of books and had movies spawn from them. Stephen King is the best example of commercial success and great writing that exists. Writers worship him and still don't call him a sell-out. So, I can't choose. To me, sometimes people who shun major success are taking themselves too seriously to their own detriment.

16) Who was your first character? And how do you feel about that creation now?

The first character I even remember is still from the first writing contest I ever wrote for in grammar school. I had to write first person POV as the American flag. I won.

17) Do you write in the first person POV and why?

I have written in first person and I think I do it fairly well. I've studied everything, every POV that exists. I have at least two stories on the back burner in FPPOV. I'll do it if I'm writing a story where the first person is the narrator who is telling the story from an observer's point of view. I also do it when the FPPOV is the main character's point of view too and they're telling their own story.

18) Do you write in the third person POVand why?

Most of the time, my editors prefer it and the majority of all books are in third person. I don't mind it at all and Crucifying Angel/Future Imperfect is third person POV from the POV of almost all the characters in the series. I can move easily in and out of POVs but again, that's because I've read everything in every genre.

19) Should a sentence EVER start with 'but' or 'and'?

You know rules are made to be broken but first you have to comprehend the rules. You really have to know when and how (!) to break them with those two words. Yeah, in some cases I think its okay—just don't do it every other sentence!

20) If you couldn't ever write again, what would you be doing?

Art-painting, music in any of its facets, history studies-I'd love to go on an archeology dig in the Middle East.

21) Have you ever worked with an agent? And how was the experience?

Not yet.

22) Have you ever worked with a professional Editor or Editorial Service? Was it worth the money?

No, since I was a newspaper reporter I can and do try to self edit most of the time before I submit to my editors.

23) Have you used "Writing Software"? What do you think about such computer aided programs?

Oh, God. There was a huge discussion on this very subject on one of my Yahoo Groups. I have tried and tried and tried to use software and it just doesn't work for me personally. It's just not set up the way I'd like and most of the time the basic story's in my head anyway and I let work itself out. I wish I could advise a software designer on what I'd like to see in a program!

24) How long did it take to write your first book?

Let's see. From the time my editor commissioned me to write Crucifying Angel (no kidding!) to finishing the final edits—it took about six months minus the two missing months when my mother got deathly ill and I had to stop writing to take care of her full time. So, total, about four and a half months.

25) How many drafts do you make of a book before it is finalized? And how much
of a change is there between the first draft and the finished product?

I don't make drafts really. I have one main document and add to it as I go along. So many people participate in NanoWrimo in November and they'll do one giant unedited draft and then go back and perfect it. I can't do that, it doesn't work for me, for the way I write. I have to do it correctly the first time or I'll go off on tangents that are too divergent from the original story and I'll end up with a different story than I want. Also, I am an insane perfectionist when I go into deep focus. I live those stories.

26) Have you ever competed in the National Novel Writing Month event? What do think about such events?

See above!

27) How do you feel about Writers Groups or organizations?

I think they're okay as long as you're actually getting something out of them. I belong to at least one but it's difficult sometimes to participate even though I'm not that far away.

28) Do you belong to any writer's organizations?

Yes, as of now, I belong to Sisters in Crime, Los Angeles Chapter. I'm planning on joining the Romance Writers of America in the New Year.29) What is the longest amount of time you have spent writing in one sitting?
Maybe 10 hours. Due to the work schedules of my family I can't go all day and all night though I'd love to if I could. Also, I find that getting enough sleep/rest allows a story to percolate in my head.30) Do you use outlines or flowcharts to help you map out your plots?
That's another thing I've tried unsuccessfully. I ended up with index cards indecipherable and out of order and half of them lost. I've written out flow charts that I designed myself and half the time I forget to use them. When I write, I'm "in the moment" to quote the acting community.

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